High Frequency

What is High Frequency Facial Treatment?

High frequency facial treatment is a safe and gentle alternative to dramatic plastic surgery procedures, laser resurfacing, chemical peels, Collagen and Botox injections and other invasive treatments.

What does High Frequency help with?

High frequency for anti-aging: It is best to keep in mind that results do not occur over night and can vary depending on individual and skin type. Although high frequency has been shown to produce an immediate and temporary lifting effect, continued treatments can provide more long-term, lasting results.

Acne: Sometimes the body can become immune to certain acne medications if used over an extended period. High frequency gently cleanses the skin of acne- causing bacteria and unwanted toxins while making the skin more receptive to acne lotions, creams, and other skin treatment products. The results can be extremely dramatic – even after only a few treatments

Enlarged Pores: As an add on to any facial high frequency can be very effective at reducing the size of enlarged pores, softening skin and controlling excess sebum production. The gentle spray of oxygen molecules produced by the high frequency current diminish enlarged pores by penetrating deep down into the root of the affected area and cleaning out unwanted debris and toxins allowing the pore to quickly regain its natural size once again.

Fine Lines, Wrinkles, and Sagging Skin: High frequency can increase blood circulation, which in turn nourishes the skin’s surface and renews underlying cells. It also produces an enriched form of oxygen, which can provide the skin with a firm, youthful, vibrant glow and can diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, tighten double chins and jowls, improve overall skin texture and tone by promoting increased collagen production.

Dark Eye Circles: New scientific research has shown the cause of severe dark eye circles to be broken capillaries that have leaked hemoglobin, creating a red-blue pigment deposit under the eyes. High frequency creates a circulation rush in the area and helps your current under eye product penetrate deeper into the skin tissue. The application of high frequency can be very effective at fading dark under eye circles resulting in a fresher, brighter under eye

Thinning Hair: High frequency current improves the process of nourishment, gently exfoliates the sculp, promotes local blood circulation, stimulates local glandular activity, supplies heat to the area which is soothing to the nervous system and significantly improves the scalp’s receptiveness and the overall effectiveness of hair growth formulas. For many years, hairdressers have used high frequency current technology to revitalize scalp conditions which can aid in promoting healthier hair growth